Creative strategy and design

A website for the insurance company
of the future

Specialty Insurance


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The Challenge

- Reboot the strategy to “Serve & Spark” - Target use of the site where it doesn't play a role in how we do business currently

- More opportunity for lateral movement through all site content and sparking interest in your peripheral vision

- Moving people from a targeted experience to one of discovery by peaking their interest with articles, products, solutions, recruitment or evidencing our smooth and personable claims process

- Promote the 150+ Convex Conversation’s episodes throughout the site to increase the podcasts visibility

The Competitive Edge

Its selling as well as providing information - further evidencing Convex as being true to their value and the carrier of choice.

For our full brand case study click here

To visit the website click here



- Dropdown menu works harder to help people discover content

- Direct access to key products and personnel

- Search - Canned, predictive and free text

- Key articles and press releases given additional promotion

- Progressive reveal helping content visibility and orientation


Product Page

- Standardised look and feel

- Key distinct imagery used for product orientation

- Presentation of products and classes is unified

- Lateral movement between products

- All key CTAs are prominent and inline

Jump Links

- Anchor links help with orientation

- Access key content more quickly


Modular Card System

- Card system used site-wide to build a variety of different page layouts

- Customisation of product pages is enhanced

- Lateral movement and promotion of content


People page

- Insight: Many people arrive on these pages direct from Google

- Action: Make this page work harder for the digital estate

- Solution:

  • Accessibility instead of availability. Action orientated CTAs help the user make contact on their terms

  • Background image gives an indication of where business is done. This varies with staff location

  • Lateral movement with similar or related products/team

  • A destination for underwriter’s more public downloads

  • A bid for connection, might you like to work here with this person? A nod to ongoing recruitment

To open the website in a new tab click here